Office of Tax Appeals
112 California Ave
Building 4, 7th Floor
Charleston, WV 25305
Tel.: (304) 558-1666
Fax: (304) 558-1670

In the news...

        Welcome to our newly recreated web site!!  Note that our web address has changed and you were likely redirected here from our old one.  This new Web Address is a permanent change, as follows:  Suggest that frequent users bookmark our site for future use.

        The West Virginia Judiciary promulgates the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia.  Rule 8.0, which governs Pro Hac Vice admissions for out of state attorneys, was last revised and became effective on January 1, 2015.  The current fee is $350 per attorney, per year, per individual taxpayer in which a case or multiple cases are involved.  Applications are available from the WV State Bar at​.   However, the acceptance of participating local attorneys to this venue are at the discretion of the Office of Tax Appeals.  Out of state and local attorneys will receive legal orders from this office reflecting docket numbers and attorney names involved.  The taxpayer names will be REMOVED, as these orders are published now on the WV State Bar website.  The Office of Tax Appeals will see that the WV State Bar receives these orders for posting.  Under no circumstances can we permit the public posting of taxpayer information according to §11-10-5D and §11-10A-23.

        Make sure you check out our Important Reminders on the face page of the website!!

        As this agency progresses with these new updates, we will always maintain the position as an independent tribunal to provide fair judicial review of state tax matters affording all access to legal due process.

        We welcome any ideas or suggestions to help improve our new website!  Please respond at the email address listed at the bottom left of the main page.